Flying Saucer Review (FSR)

Vol 40 No.4


Apologies to our Readers.

The Martian Dilemma.
Stanley V. McDaniel.

UFO's Put On A "Show" in Brazil.
Reginaldo de Athayde.

Statement by the CPU Investigators.
Reginaldo de Athayde.

Marian Phenomena with UFO's appearing openly
A.J. Gevaerd.

Tracing Sound to UFO Encounters.
Lindy Tucker.

Implant Probed in Canada.
Lawrence J. Fenwick.

Researching the Blond Ultra-Terrestrials.
Don Worley

The M.O.D. and Nick Pope.
Gordon Creighton

Libel and Litigation Department

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© Flying Saucer Review Library of Congress copyright FSR Publications, Ltd. 1981. Contributions appearing in this magazine do not necessarily reflect its policy and are published without prejudice.
Gordon Creighton (Editor FSR)

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